
Roblox Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes (5 Working Code)

all Roblox Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes
Written by Wayka Mido

These are the new Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes and the rewards that you will get for each one:

Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes

Below we listed all the working codes and the expired ones, we will be adding any new codes once the developer shares them.

Working Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes

These are all the New Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes currently, make sure to redeem them while they still valid:

  1. !25kSubsRaceReset – race reset
  2. !25kSubsDemonArtReset – demon art reset
  3. !25kSubsBreathingReset – breathing reset
  4. !25kSubsNichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
  5. !25kSubsEXPBoost – one hour experience boost

Expired Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes

These are all the expired codes for Demon Slayer RPG 2, we also included for you to get an idea about the past codes and what to maybe expect in the future:

!Reached90Likes Breathing Reset  breathing reset Code
!Reached90Likes Breathing Reset 2  breathing reset Code
!Reached90Likes Art Reset  Art reset Code
!Reached90Likes Art Reset 2  Art reset Code
!Reached90Likes Race Reset  Race reset Code
!NateBirthdayArtBreathingReset  breathing style + demon artt reset Code
!NateBirthdayNichirinRecolor  nichirin sword color reset Code
!artresetjanuary  demon art reset Code 
!dsrpg2 race reset  Race Reset Code
!dsrpg2 breathing/art reset  breathing + demon art reset Code
!halloween free breathing/art resetbreathing/art 
 !halloween free race switchfree race switch

How to redeem Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes?

To redeem the codes for Demon Slayer RPG 2 just copy the code as it is and past it in the chat and you will automatically redeem the rewards.

how to rank up in demon slayer rpg 2 ?

in demon slayer rpg 2 The early ranks will be obtained through in game progression, but the higher ranks like uppermoons and pillars will be community events.
The only way to rank up in game is to attend events in these factions (and also possibly get lore positions like Hashiras/Uppermoons).

What’s the best breathing style?

All the breathing styles are good it depends on your playing style.

What’s the best breathing ?

there is no thing such as best breathing they all good.

Slayer Corps Faction:

Demon Faction:

Demon Slayer RPG 2 ranking Factions
Demon Slayer RPG 2 ranking Factions

Demon slayer rpg 2 best breathing

Breathing Skills Levels:

  1. First Skill: Level 15
  2. Second Skill: Level 35
  3. Third Skill: Level 70

These are just the levels at which you can get the next moves for your breathing style. You will still need to talk to the trainer and complete their quests for it.

About Demon Slayer RPG 2

Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes
Demon Slayer RPG 2

Demon Slayer RPG 2 is a Roblox game that was created in February 2020 by Shounen Studio the game is still in testing phase so you might encounter some bugs and glitches.

the Demon Slayer RPG 2 game is inspired by the popular anime series Demon Slayer, in the game play you can choose to be the hero fighting all the evil Demons or betray the humans and join the Demons for more power.

You can follow the developers for the latest updates and bug fixes on twitter or on their Discord server.

dsrpg2 Trello

demon slayer rpg 2 Trello is where you can access all the information about the game including quests, brathing styles list, races, trainers… all organized in format of boards. the Trello board is also used to track updates and improvements of the game.

You can access it here :

Other Roblox codes

For more Roblox codes fell free to check Roblox Promo codes list, and also check our latest posts for more other Roblox games codes

all Roblox Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes
all Roblox Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes

About the author

Wayka Mido

A Part Time gamer since the old time of chess, a full timer writer at like to write about gaming news, tips and tricks.

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