Wanna know what you can possibly get when completing Hearthstone Mercenaries heroic bounties? We have created Hearthstone Mercenaries heroic bounties list just for you.
Before we jump into a ton of data though, we should first look at what bounties are.

Bounties are Hearthstone Mercenaries’ core PVE component. Collecting a Bounty from the Bounty Board at the Village’s Travel Point (Top of the Village) will open up a randomly generated map for you to fight on. The boss of each Bounty will always be the same, but your journey to the monster will vary each time.
The bounty board will also reflect the suggested level for your Party to enter the Bounty itself, so keep that in mind before diving in.
Bounties also feature a Heroic difficulty level, which raises the level recommendation and makes things much tougher. A Legendary difficulty level is planned for a future release.
In addition to earning Mercenary Coins based on your Party members, Bounties are assigned to specific Mercenaries to allow you to target loot better, and it will be shown in the Rewards column.
Hearthstone Mercenaries Heroic Bounties – The Barrens
Bounty | Level required | Loot For |
Ferocious Quilboar Heroic | 5 | -Millhouse -Manastorm -Rokara -Xyrella |
Air Elemental Heroic | 8 | -Cariel Roame -Cornelius Roame -Rokara |
Serena Bloodfeather Heroic | 10 | -Guff Runetotem -Morgl the Oracle -Xyrella |
Apothecary Helbrim Heroic | 15 | -Blademaster -Samuro -Blink Fox -Bru’kan |
Sunwalker Proudhoof Heroic | 15 | -Cariel Roame -Tyrande -Xyrella |
Barak Kodobane Heroic | 20 | -Cariel Roame -Guff Runetotem -Xyrella |
Mad Bomber Heroic | 20 | -Old Murk-Eye -Rathorian -Tavish Stormpike |
Plaguemaw the Rotting Heroic | 25 | -Kurtrus Ashfallen -Lady Anacondra -Tamsin Roame |
Neeru Fireblade Heroic | 25 | -Blademaster -Samuro -Rokara -Scabbs -Cutterbutter |
Hearthstone Mercenaries Heroic Bounties – Felwood
Bounty | Level required | Loot For |
Raven the Hunter Heroic | 26 | -Grommash -Hellscream -Kurtrus Ashfallen -Tyrande |
The Annointed Blade Heroic | 27 | -Grommash Hellscream -Gruul -Lady Anacondra |
Fallen Guardians Heroic | 28 | -Malfurion Stormrage -Tamsin Roame -Warmaster Voone |
Xavian Satyr Heroic | 29 | -Blink Fox -Mutanus -Tyrande |
Corrupted Ancient Heroic | 29 | -Gul’dan -King Mukla -Tavish Stormpike |
Lord Banehollow Heroic | 29 | -Anduin Wrynn -Bru’kan -King Krush |
You may also like TOP Hearthstone Mercenaries Tier List and Top 5 Hearthstone Mercenaries Best Heroes
Hearthstone Mercenaries Heroic Bounties – Winterspring
Bounty | Level required | Loot For |
Snowclaw Heroic | 30 | -Cariel Roame -Rexxar -Vol’jin |
Yeti Hunter Ranel Heroic | 30 | -Baron Geddon -Garrosh Hellscream -Scabbs Cutterbutter |
Avalanchan Heroic | 30 | -Millhouse Manastorm -Natalie Seline -Ragnaros |
Ursula Windfury Heroic | 30 | -Antonidas -Morgl the Oracle -Thrall |
Icehowl Heroic | 30 | -Alexstrasza -Cornelius Roame -Varian Wrynn |
Ahune Heroic | 30 | -Lady Anacondra -Lord Jaraxxus -Saurfang |
Hearthstone Mercenaries Heroic Bounties – Blackrock Mountain
Bounty | Level required | Loot For |
Coren Direbrew Heroic | 30 | -Mannoroth -Old Murk-Eye -Uther |
High Justice Grimstone Heroic | 30 | -Cairne Bloodhoof -Sylvanas Windrunner -Varden Dawngrasp |
Emperor Thaurissan Heroic | 30 | -Blademaster Samuro -Brightwing -Diablo |
Garr Heroic | 30 | -Guff Runetotem -Jaina Proudmoore -Prophet Velen |
Baron Geddon Heroic | 30 | -Illidan Stormrage -Tirion Fordring -Xyrella |
Majordomo Executus Heroic | 30 | -Grommash Hellscream -Lich King -Rathorian |

All surviving Mercenaries will have their health restored after each combat, but any Mercenaries who did not survive the fight will not be able to be employed for the rest of the run.
Unless you can find a Spirit Healer. The Spirit Healer node resurrects one of your fallen Mercenaries at random.
If your team is depleted from a long journey or a difficult encounter, you may wish to choose the Spirit Healer’s route.
If, on the other hand, you see a Spirit Healer ahead of you, you might feel a little more secure about taking on that Elite encounter.
You can view the map at the start of a run, so you may utilize it to decide which path to go to the Bounty Boss!
Check also A How To Hearthstone Mercenaries Surprise Attack?
You can download Hearthstone Mercenaries here. Have fun playing!