Roblox Value Lists

No man’s Sky Item Value List [UPDATED]

No man's Sky Item Value List [UPDATED]
Written by CodeFinder

Are you in search of the latest No man’s Sky Item Value List? Your search ends here. We provide you with a comprehensive Bubble Gum Simulator Value List to keep you updated on the most current in-game prices.

Regarding craftable items, the recipe or ingredients required for crafting are provided. It’s essential to note that even if one possesses the necessary elements for crafting an item, a blueprint may still be required.

No man’s Sky Item Value List

The provided tables contain a comprehensive list of items in No Man’s Sky, each featuring details such as the item name, base cost, and acquisition method. For mineable resources, the origin or source of the resource is specified.

Elements and Resources:

NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
OxideYELLOW on scanner
Iron13.8Rocks, Asteroids
Zinc41.3Yellow Plants, Sentinels
Titanium61.9Crystals, Refineries
SilicateBLUE on scanner
Platinum55Blue Plants, Refineries
IsotopeRED on scanner
Carbon6.9All Flora
Thamium920.6Flowers, Asteroids
NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
NeutralGREY on scanner
Nickel137.5Rocks, Asteroids
Iridium96.3Rocks, Asteroids
Copper110Floating Rocks, Asteroids
Gold220Crystals, Rocks, Asteroids
Aluminium165Crystals, Rocks, Asteroids
Emeril275Crystals, Rocks, Asteroids
NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
PreciousGREEN on scanner
Omegon309.4Feeding Animals, dismantling
crashed ships, big trading stations
, red pillars on planets
Radnox302.5Small Rocks (Can be floating)
Murrine302.5Plants, Small Spherical Rock
Calium288.8Orb Rocks, Plants, pulsing gooshy
sacs on toxic/radioactive planets

Components and Energy:

NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
Carite Sheet825Iron x 50
Microdensity Fabric1650Iron x 50, Platinum x 10
Electron Vapour4950Suspension x 1, Plutonium x 100
Suspension Fluid1100Carbon x 50
Antimatter5232Electron Vapour x 1, Heridium x 50, Zinc x 20
Dynamic Resonator27500Antimatter x 2, Chrysonite x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 4
Night Crystals35000Market

Energy SourcesBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
Shielding Shard343.8Iron x 25
Shielding Plate687.5Iron x 50
Shielding Sheet10311Iron x 75
Power Gel171.9Carbon x 25
Power Canister343.8Carbon x 50
Power Reservoir515.6Carbon x 75
Unstable Plasma27500Thamium9 x 400, Plutonium x 200
Warp Cell46750Thamium9 x 100, Antimatter x 1

Devices and Keys:

NameBase CostRecipe
Bypass Chip3575.0Iron x 10, Plutonium x 10
AtlasPass v1825.0Iron x 25, Heridium x 10
AtlasPass v21856.3Zinc x 25, Platinum x 10
AtlasPass v32612.5Titanium x 25, Chrysonite x 10

Trading and Curiosities:

NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
Vy’keen Dagger20625Bought in market, found in cargo drops
Korvax Convergence Cube25500Bought in market, found in cargo drops
Korvax Casing27000Obtained through interface in Shelters
Gravitino Ball25000Rare, found on high security planets, also in weird plants hidden from scans; requires a 3-star wanted level if collected, appears GREEN on the scanner
Dimensional Matrix15125Found by scavenging debris, destroying ships, killing quadruped sentinels
Grahgrah13750Obtained through interfaces – Puzzles, bought in market, cargo drops
Neutrino Module13750Found by scavenging debris, destroying sentinels
Fascination Bead12375Cargo drops, bought in market
GekNip20625Found in cargo drops, bought in market
Gek Charm11000Found in cargo drops, bought in market
Vortex Cube34725.1Rarely on cave floors, rare surface structures, underground; requires a 3-star wanted level if collected, appears GREEN on the scanner
Sac Venom26125Rare surface plants; requires a 3-star wanted level if destroyed, appears GREEN on the scanner
Albumen Pearl27496Rare cave plants, also above ground in weird alien oyster pods; found on planets with high hazards, requires a 3-star wanted level if collected, appears GREEN on the scanner
AquaSphere32375Rare, found in hazardous conditions underwater, appears GREEN on the scanner
NameBase CostHow to Get (or Recipe)
Atlas Stone68750Given by Atlas, Bought in market
Gek Relic26000Found in cargo drops
Vy’keen Effigy25437.5Reward for interacting with monolith

Ship Enhancements:

Cannon Damage SigmaIron x 50, Thamium9 x 50
Cannon Damage TauIridium x 100, Copper x 50, Zinc x 50
Cannon Damage ThetaOmegon x 100, Gold x 50, Zinc x 50
Accelerated Fire SigmaIron x 50, Aluminium x 100
Accelerated Fire TauNickel x 100, Platinum x 50
Accelerated Fire ThetaThamium9 x 300, Iron x 300, Dimensional Matrix x 3
Advanced Cooling SigmaThamium9 x 30, Chrysonite x 30, Iron x 50
Advanced Cooling TauThamium9 x 80, Chrysonite x 70, Iridium x 120
Advanced Cooling ThetaThamium9 x 200, Chrysonite x 250, Gravitino Ball x 10
Beam Impact SigmaThamium9 x 50, Chrysonite x 50
Beam Impact TauThamium9 x 200, Copper x 50, Carbon x 50
Beam Impact ThetaOmegon x 100, Vortex Cube x 3, Carbon x 50
Phase Coolant SigmaMicrodensity Fabric x 2, Thamium9 x 200, Platinum x 25
Phase Coolant TauHeridium x 150, Thamium9 x 200, Platinum x 50
Phase Coolant ThetaDimensional Matrix x 1, Thamium9 x 200, Copper x 200
Deflection Enhancement SigmaCarite Sheet x 6, Heridium x 500
Deflection Enhancement TauTitanium x 200, Heridium x 250, Iron x 300
Deflection Enhancement ThetaZinc x 300, Platinum x 80, Emeril x 200
Warp Reactor SigmaDynamic Resonator x 1, Iridium x 200, Copper x 400
Warp Reactor TauDynamic Resonator x 2, Nickel x 600, Aluminium x 800
Warp Reactor ThetaDynamic Resonator x 3, Gold x 1000, Emeril x 1000
Photonix CoreChrysonite x 100, Iron x 200, Zinc x 50
Pulse Jet SigmaChrysonite x 100, Iron x 200, Zinc x 50
Pulse Jet TauNickel x 100, Thamium9 x 50, Neutrino Module x 2


Beam Coolant System SigmaIridium x 50, Heridium x 20
Beam Coolant System TauIridium x 200, Heridium x 100
Beam Coolant System ThetaAluminium x 200, Heridium x 100
Combat Amplifier SigmaTitanium x 30, Carbon x 30
Combat Amplifier TauPlatinum x 100, Titanium x 50, Chrysonite x 50
Combat Amplifier ThetaHeridium x 400, Iron x 200, Radnox x 20
Combat Amplifier OmegaHeridium x 400, Iron x 200, Gold x 100
Beam Focus SigmaIron x 20, Heridium x 20, Plutonium x 25
Beam Focus TauPlutonium x 50, Chrysonite x 100
Beam Focus ThetaPlutonium x 50, Chrysonite x 200, Platinum x 200
Beam Intensifier SigmaTitanium x 30, Plutonium x 25
Beam Intensifier TauCopper x 60, Iron x 200
Beam Intensifier ThetaCopper x 120, Iron x 100, Iridium x 100
Railshot AdaptorAluminium x 100, Copper x 50, Iron x 200
BoltcasterIron x 25, Plutonium x 25
Ricochet SigmaPlatinum x 100, Iron x 200, Heridium x 200
Ricochet TauPlatinum x 300, Zinc x 150, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Ricochet ThetaGold x 100, Plutonium x 100, Platinum x 100
Boltcaster Clip SigmaPlutonium x 50, Titanium x 20, Microdensity Fabric x 2
Boltcaster Clip TauPlutonium x 50, Zinc x 20, Nickel x 10
Boltcaster Clip ThetaPlutonium x 50, Zinc x 50, Nickel x 150
Impact Damage SigmaIridium x 50, Iron x 50, Platinum x 100
Impact Damage TauIridium x 50, Iron x 50, Platinum x 100
Impact Damage ThetaIridium x 200, Radnox x 80, Platinum x 200
Impact Damage OmegaCopper x 200, Aluminium x 200, Heridium x 400
Homingbolt AdaptorAquaSphere x 5, Titanium x 200, Plutonium x 200
Rapidfire SigmaNickel x 50, Iron x 20
Rapidfire TauTitanium x 200, Platinum x 100, Aluminium x 100
Rapidfire ThetaAluminium x 100, Platinum x 200
Reload Accelerant SigmaIron x 20, Heridium x 15, Zinc x 10
Reload Accelerant TauChrysonite x 50, Zinc x 100, Plutonium x 50
Reload Accelerant ThetaCalium x 50, Zinc x 100, Plutonium x 50
Wideshot AdaptorCopper x 40, Heridium x 100, Iron x 50
Shortburst AdaptorCopper x 60, Heridium x 100, Zinc x 20
Recoil Stabiliser SigmaThamium9 x 100, Titanium x 50, Chrysonite x 50
Recoil Stabiliser TauThamium9 x 200, Titanium x 100, Chrysonite x 150
Recoil Stabiliser ThetaHeridium x 250, Zinc x 100, Platinum x 150
Boltcaster SMIridium x 50, Iron x 50, Platinum x 100
Plasma LauncherPlutonium x 30, Heridium x 20, Carbon x 15
Rebound GrenadesZinc x 10, Platinum x 20, Chrysonite x 15
Rebound Grenades TauHeridium x 200, Titanium x 200, Chrysonite x 250
Grenade Intensity SigmaThamium9 x 150, Zinc x 20, Heridium x 200
Grenade Intensity TauIron x 200, Aluminium x 200, Nickel x 200
Grenade Intensity ThetaNeutrino Module x 4, Aluminium x 200, Nickel x 200
Homing GrenadeAluminium x 100, Iron x 50, Gold x 100
Damage RadiusZinc x 100, Iron x 50, Chrysonite x 150
Damage Radius TauPlutonium x 200, Emeril x 50
Grenade PropulsionZinc x 10, Platinum x 20, Chrysonite x 15
Grenade Propulsion TauThamium9 x 150, Zinc x 20, Chrysonite x 150
ScannerCarbon x 50
Rangeboost SigmaThamium9 x 30, Platinum x 15, Carbon x 30
Rangeboost TauThamium9 x 120, Chrysonite x 120, Plutonium x 200
Analysis VisorIron x 50

Exosuit Enhancements:

Health Module SigmaIron x 50, Plutonium x 50, Zinc x 10
Health Module TauAluminium x 150, Carbon x 250, Thamium9 x 50
Health Module ThetaAluminium x 200, Plutonium x 250, Thamium9 x 300
Shieldboost SigmaZinc x 15, Platinum x 15, Thamium9 x 15
Shieldboost TauZinc x 100, Platinum x 100, Gold x 50
Shieldboost ThetaChrysonite x 300, Microdensity Fabric x 2
Thermic Layer SigmaIron x 50, Carbon x 100
Thermic Layer TauZinc x 50, Carbon x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Thermic Layer ThetaMicrodensity x 2, Electron Vapour x 1, Gravitio Ball x 1
Coolant Network SigmaIron x 50, Carbon x 100
Coolant Network TauZinc x 50, Carbon x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Coolant Network ThetaMicrodensity Fabric x 2, Electron Vapour x 1, Gravitino Ball x 1
Radiation Deflector SigmaIron x 50, Carbon x 100
Radiation Deflector TauZinc x 50, Carbon x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Radiation Deflector ThetaMicrodenisty x 2, Electron Vapour x 1, Gravitino Ball x 1
Toxin Suppressor SigmaIron x 50, Carbon x 100
Toxin Suppressor TauZinc x 50, Carbon x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Toxin Suppressor ThetaMicrodenisty Fabric x 2, Electron Vapour x 1, Gravitino Ball x 1
Stamina Enhancement SigmaIron x 20, Carbon x 20
Stamina Enhancement TauIron x 100, Heridium x 150, Plutonium x 50
Stamina Enhancement ThetaZinc x 150, Heridium x 150, Plutonium x 50
Aeration Membrane SigmaIron x 50, Carbon x 100
Aeration Membrane TauZinc x 50, Carbon x 100, Microdensity Fabric x 1
Aeration Membrane ThetaMicrodenisty Fabric x 2, Electron Vapour x 1, Gravitino Ball x 1
Life Support Module SigmaPlutonium x 50, Platinum x 20
Life Support Module TauPlutonium x 50, Platinum x 150
Jetpack Booster SigmaCarite Sheet x 1, Platinum x 15, Zinc x 10
Jetpack Booster TauChrysonite x 150, Titanium x 150, Plutonium x 150
Jetpack Booster ThetaOmegon x 50, Chrysonite x 300, Plutonium x 300

For other miscellaneous items, there are specific instructions provided for obtaining them. Additional details might be included for certain items.

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