Roblox Guide

Roblox Super Power Fighting Simulator codes (3 Codes)

super power fighting simulator codes
Written by Wayka Mido

Easy to copy Super Power Fighting Simulator codes will allow you to get Extra Gems and Tokens, to help you advance in the game.

super power fighting simulator is a Roblox game that was created in March 2018 by GamesReborn and it grow to reach 50 million visits. the Goal of the game is to become powerful by training your body, speed and fists. all that while discovering new islands and teaming up with friends.

All super power fighting simulator codes

This are all the working codes , keep in mind that these codes might expire soon and we will make sure to update this list with new codes once available.

  1. 150KLIKES – Redeem for 15,000 Tokens
  2. REKTWAY – Redeem for 3,000 Tokens
  3. xbutterflies – Redeem for 6,000 Tokens

Expired per power fighting simulator

we also included the expired codes for you to get an idea about what other players benefited from in the past and what codes and rewards that might be released by the developers.

600KMEMBERS  5,000 Tokens
400KMEMBERS  5,000 Tokens
40KLIKES  5,000 Tokens
20MVISITS  3,500 Tokens
ZMLZGaming  1,500 Tokens
ItzVexo  1,500 Tokens
Joseph47  500 Tokens
TRANSFORM  5,000 Tokens
15MVISITS  3,500 Tokens
100KFAVORITES  2,500 Tokens
35KLIKES  5,000 Tokens
LASERVISION  5,000 Tokens
300KMEMBERS  5,000 Tokens
10M  3,500 Tokens
VEXR  1,000 Tokens
mrrhino  1,000 Tokens
MOBILETOKENS  5,000 Tokens
Jojocraft  1,500 Tokens
Azend  1,000 Tokens
10Kplayers  5,000 Tokens
NINJA  5,000 Tokens
100Kmembers  5,000 Tokens
ShutdownTokens  2,500 Tokens
1M  3,500 Tokens
10KLIKES  5,000 Tokens
5KPLAYERS  2,500 Tokens
QUESTS  3,000 Tokens
Fusion2500  2,500 Tokens
1.5K  1,500 Tokens
ServerSpecial  1,500 Tokens
1KLikes  1,350 Tokens
1250Tokens  1,250 Tokens
750LikeTokens  1,250 Tokens
TwitterTokens  1,250 Tokens
Release  1,000 Tokens
500likes  1,000 Tokens
250Players  999 Tokens
Tokens777  777 Tokens
GamingDan  1,500 Tokens
expired codes

How to redeem the codes

It’s easy to redeem the codes for super power fighting simulator all you have to do is follow the steps below:

  • Step #1: click on twitter icon on the right side
CODES for Super Power Fighting Simulator Roblox
  • Step #2: on the following screen Enter the code and click on Redeem
redeem Super Power Fighting Simulator codes

Super Power Fighting Simulator training areas

Strength Training Areas

Training AreaLocationStat RequirementMultiplier
RockBeside the Laboratory100 Strengthx2
CarBridge10K Strengthx20
ScorpionsDesert Island50B Strengthx120K
SphinxDesert Island30T Strengthx3M
Punching BagGym1K Strengthx5
Giant PearlLost Sea Island10Qa Strengthx100M
StatueLost Sea Island25Qi Strengthx3B
ForkliftMain Island100K Strengthx100
MeteorsMain Island5M Strengthx750
Ninja Training ZoneNinja Island100Dc Strengthx75T
Ultimate DojoNinja Island6Dd Strengthx2.25Qa
Gun CabinetPrison Island5N Strengthx2.5T
Punching BagPrison Island10Sp Strengthx90B
CrystalsSecondary Island500M Strengthx10K
Blue StarSky Island150Td Strengthx75Qa
Red StarSky Island150Qui Strengthx3Qi
Super Power Fighting Simulator Strength Training Areas

Endurance Training Areas

Training AreaLocationStat RequirementMultiplier
The Dolphin RingLost Sea Island10 Qa Strength100M 
The StatueLost Sea Island25 Qi Strength3B 
HospitalMain Island100 Endurancex2
GymMain Island1K Endurancex5
WarehouseMain Island10K Endurancex20
Cargo ShipMain Island100K Endurancex100
Factory 1Main Island5M Endurancex750
Factory 2Main Island500M Endurancex10K
Quicksand PitDesert Island50 billion Endurance120K 
TornadoDesert Island30 trillion Endurance3M 
The Dolphin RingLost Sea Island10 Qa Endurance100M 
The SharkLost Sea Island25 Qi Endurance3B 
Jail CellPrison Island10 Sp Endurance90B 
Swimming PoolPrison Island5N Endurance2.5T
Spike PitNinja Island100 Dc Endurance75T 
Fire PitNinja Island6 Dd Endurance2.25Qa
TornadoSky Island150Td Endurance75Qa 
ThunderstormSky Island150Qui Endurance3Qi 
Super Power Fighting Simulator Endurance Training Areas

Psychic Training Areas

If you are wondering Where do you train psychic in super power fighting simulator, here is a list of all areas and location of each one, also the stat requirement for each area.

Training AreaLocationStat RequirementMultiplier
Library Floor 1Main Island1K Psychicx5
Library Floor 2Main Island10K Psychicx20
SewerMain Island100K Psychicx100
Golden TreeMain Island5M Psychicx750
LighthouseMain Island500M Psychicx10K
The WellDesert Island50 billion Psychic120K 
The PyramidDesert Island30 trillion Psychic3M
The MonumentLost Sea Island10 Qa Psychic100M 
The JellyfishLost Sea Island25 Qi Psychic3B 
Police HeadquartersPrison Island10 Sp Psychic90B 
Helicopter PadPrison Island5N Psychic2.5T
Meditation AreaNinja Island100 Dc Psychic75T 
The WaterfallNinja Island6 Dd Psychic2.25Qa
Golden TreeSky Island150Td Psychic75Qa 
Ancient TempleSky Island150Qui Psychic3Qi 
Super Power Fighting Simulator Psychic Training Areas

super power fighting simulator skills

Skills is Super Power Fighting Simulator are abilities that allow the players to do unique things, you can acquire skills by completing Quests given by NPCs.

here is the list of all available skills:

  • Energy Blast
  • Energy Punch
  • Laser Vision
  • Punch
  • Damage Reflection
  • Shadow Clone
  • Invisibility
  • Teleport
  • Soul Harvest
  • Shapeshift
  • Infernal Aura


How do you fly in super power training simulator?

The flying ability will be given you after completing a Quest that is given by the Seth

How do you train punch power in power simulator?

Here are all the place and Areas where you can train your punch power in super power training simulator:

  • Rock* require 0 punch power
  • Basic Gym require 10k punch power
  • Gold Gym require 1M punch power
  • Heads require 100M punch power
  • Stonehenge require 10B punch power
  • Green Meteor* require 300B punch power
  • Ruined Castle* require 2T punch power
  • Sea Mines* require 5T punch power

How do you train speed in super power fighting simulator?

To train your speed in Super Power Fighting Simulator you have to upgrade your Ranks, Multiplier and Fusion. note that the Maximum custom speed is 158.

What does psychic do in super power fighting simulator?

Psychic in Super Power Fighting Simulator lets you use abilities like:

  • Invisibility,
  • Teleport,
  • Soul Harvest,
  • Shapeshift.

Th psychic also determines your mind power in the game. It There is many Psychic training areas around the map.

To start out training your Psychic just sit anywhere and use the third tool in you inventory.

What is fusion in super power fighting simulator?

A Fusion in Super Power Fighting Simulator allow you to have multipliers other than the ones in the game, here the Fusion Types:

  • Werewolf: Boosts your multiplier in X25
  • Minotaur: Boosts your multiplier in X500
  • Gryphon: Boosts your multiplier in X10K
  • Phoenix: Boosts your multiplier in X250K
  • Yeti: Boosts your multiplier in X5M
  • Hydra: Boosts your multiplier in X100M

Where are all the training areas in super power fighting simulator?

Check this list of Training areas

Final thoughts

That is it for super power fighting simulator codes and training areas, if you want more detailed information please check super power fighting simulator wiki here.

If you want to get some free items and accessories for your avatar check the ROBLOX Promo codes list, and if you’re playing other Roblox games you might be interested in the codes below:

About the author

Wayka Mido

A Part Time gamer since the old time of chess, a full timer writer at like to write about gaming news, tips and tricks.